Thursday, April 30, 2009
To me gossip is really bad. One thing that happened earlier this week, was that someone said that all the varsity seniors were going to turn in their uniforms. To be honest how that rumor started i dont know. But the rumor is untrue, the seniors love softball and they know that on the field they are a family. Families go through horrible times, and they will learn how to overcome all of their obstacles. With girls there will always be drama and gossip. But if you blow off that gossip, things will be much better in the end. I know that people may not like me, but I like myself to know that what they say doesnt affect me. People can say whatever they want because at the end of the day I am ok with myself to know that their childish behaviors doesnt affect me.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Genome Project!!
I did my music genome project on Hip Hop. I thought it was going to be an easy project that would take me a week tops. Well I was really wrong. It took me almost 2 weeks and many problems including the whole project deleting twice in a 3 day period of time, and also some of my slides didnt turn out good because by the end I just wanted to be finished with it!! Some of the songs I decided to use was Do da stanky leg, can't believe it, 2 step, pop lock and drop it, right round. I chose those songs because those are the songs that keep me entertained while working on different things both at home and at school. Without music I probably couldnt function!!! HhaHAHHA!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Lovely Spring Break!!!
Well while some of you went to Florida or Cancun, I was stuck at home. I had softball everyday during break. I thought it would be horrible, but I was playing the sport I love. I may not have gotten as tan as you guys, but I got in really good shape... We practiced or played games almost everyday. I think it was a very productive spring break because we got to work on what problems we had on and off the field. I got to pitch at the game against East Peoria, I did really well I only walked 2 people, unfortunately we lost, but there was a lot of effort on the field. Thats the best part of the game, is seeing how we can come back from a loss and realize exactly what we need to work on. Softball is my life., and I have always had to play during spring break but other than that I had a great spring break.
Monday, March 23, 2009
My quote is:::: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
This boy is Matt Roth, He was a senior last year at Washington Community High School. I look up to Matt in so many ways. He is a good role model, and an even better basketball player. Instead of caring about his own stats, he cared about the team. He made every shot for the team. Matt is an inspiration to anyone, he is such a good person on and off the court. "Play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back" He was a great addition to the basketball team. On his jersey, there is a number 2 on the shoulder. That number 2 stands for Evan Knoblauch. He was also a senior last year. He died in a car accident that changed everyones lives forever. He was #2 on the field but #1 in our hearts.
My Lenten Promises:
Now, most people think that giving something up for lent will be easy. To me giving up something is extremely hard. I love ND's rice krispy treats alot. So this year I decided to give them up for lent. Unfortunately, I have not succeeded in my hopes of giving them up. During Lent sometimes for me it is hard to give something up. One year, I gave up chocolate milk... Only because we only had chocolate milk on Fridays. But it back fired because Krogers was running a special all during lent for ten for ten chocolate milks so we always had it in the house. One year I thought about giving up school, I was 7 and stupid!! But in all seriousness, I do try to give something up for Lent. I know that deep down God probably will forgive me because I am truly sorry for eating those rice krispy treats at lunch!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
What do I want to be when I grow up??
When I was really little, I always wanted to be a teacher. But last summer, my best friend got hurt. She tore her ACL, and I wasn't there to help here. I was in Milwaukee, WI the week she got hurt. I felt like she was helpless, just sitting there all alone without anyone. But when I got back, I realized maybe that was God telling me that I wanted to do something involving Therapy. I realized how much my friend loved sports, and she didn't know what she was missing until it was gone. I realized how much I wanted to help people who loved to do sports, but got hurt. I love helping people, especially those who love sports. If I could go into sports medicine that is my main goal. When I saw how hurt my friend was, I just wanted to help her, in any way, shape, or form that I could.
I hope to one day help those who love sports but cannot play them due to injury.
I hope to one day help those who love sports but cannot play them due to injury.
Service Project...
One service project I am in the middle of trying to get is to help with the softball program at my old school. I love softball so much, and would really enjoy helping those who love the sport to. I know how hard it is to be good at something, and not be able to be recognized for it. I want to be able to help all those girls that are good, that don't get recognition for. Softball is something that I can share with them.
An unknown author once said,
The point of the game is not how well the individual does but whether the team wins. That is the beautiful part of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for group success. Even when you've played the game of your life, it's the feeling of teamwork that you'll remember. You'll forget the plays, the hits, and the scores, but you'll never forget your teammates.
In helping someone with what they love, will better make my love for the sport.
An unknown author once said,
The point of the game is not how well the individual does but whether the team wins. That is the beautiful part of the game, the blending of personalities, the mutual sacrifices for group success. Even when you've played the game of your life, it's the feeling of teamwork that you'll remember. You'll forget the plays, the hits, and the scores, but you'll never forget your teammates.
In helping someone with what they love, will better make my love for the sport.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Who is Paul Harvey??

Paul Harvey is known as the most listened to radio personality in America. His broadcasts ranked in the top 10 of radio network programs. Paul Harvey grew up in newsrooms. He was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1918. While Harvey was still in highschool, he went to the local radio station, until the manager offered him a job.
The ABC networks have been bringing Harvey to national radio audiences for over 50 yrs, and on over 1000 radio stations. In 2005, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor recipient by George W. Bush. Eleven years ago, Harvey was awarded the Gold Angel Lifetime Achievement Award, in 1994 the Peabody Award, in 1990 the Dante Award, and many,many more awards were given to him for his generous contribution to the "radio" world.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Iphoto Project:
Last week, we were assigned to make a slide show of objects that spelled out our name. Well I thought it would be hard, but now that I have the letters finished, the hard part is picking a song. I was thinking about "Everything" by Michael Buble, or "Dancing in the Moonlight," from A Walk to Remember. Also, I thought maybe "Tiny dancer" by Elton John. I think I may choose "Dancing in the Moonlight" because A Walk to Remember is a great movie, and the song is really good. I like the Iphoto project, because with the use of pictures, it starts to represent you. If we present these, we will probably get to know somebody much more.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Ms. Perino,
I posted on Kayla Specks and Margaret Schwabs!!
Margarets URL:
I posted on Kayla Specks and Margaret Schwabs!!
Margarets URL:

Explanation: Dark skies are favored for viewing meteor showers -- so many are pessimistic about this year's Perseids. While the Perseid meteor shower is scheduled to peak this weekend, bright light from an almost full Moon will also flood the night and mask the majority of relatively faint meteors. Still, skygazing in the evening before the Moon rises (before about 10 PM local time) could reveal spectacular earthgrazing meteors. Persisting even later into the moonlit night can reward northern hemisphere watchers looking for occasional Perseid fireballs. In fact, astronomer Jimmy Westlake imaged this bright Perseid meteor despite the combination of moonlight and auroral glow over Colorado skies in August of 2000.
My explaination:
I chose this photo because when I first saw it I was like oh my gosh! It is beautiful! The photograph shows many different colors. Almost like a watercolor painting. To me, this photo could go in art galleries. The mountains in the background look so good with the colors in the back drop. I also chose this photo because of the shooting star. I have never seen a shooting star in the sky so when I saw this one it reminded me of all the wishes people wish because of the shooting star. I also remember watching movies where they see the shooting star, and it looks so magical.
Works Cited
Bonnell, Jerry T. Discovering the Cosmos. 11 Aug. 2006. Astronomy Picture of the day. Astronomy Picture of the Day Calandar. By Robert J. Nemiroff. 15 Feb. 2009.
Westlake, Jimmy. "APOD: 2006 August 11 - Perseid in the Light." Astronomy Picture of the Day. 15 Feb. 2009.
Bonnell, Jerry T. Discovering the Cosmos. 11 Aug. 2006. Astronomy Picture of the day. Astronomy Picture of the Day Calandar. By Robert J. Nemiroff. 15 Feb. 2009
Westlake, Jimmy. "APOD: 2006 August 11 - Perseid in the Light." Astronomy Picture of the Day. 15 Feb. 2009
Saturday, February 7, 2009
So, I'm a softball player, and I pitch. So I was pitching with my pitching coach today, and I'm really a clutz. When you warm up to pitch, you have to do a walk through. Basically instead of standing on the mound and pitching, you stand farther back and walk through the mound. But me being a big clutz kind of may have tripped! And with tripping I let go of the ball, and it hit the ceiling, bounced off the ceiling and hit the ceiling fan system, after it hit the fan, it hit the wall and my catcher didn't notice it roll to her and she tripped over the ball. It was funny!! But in all seriousness of the situation after that, I ended up pitching about 95% strikes. Hahah. Which for me is pretty good!!
Michael Phelps:
So in recent news, we have heard much deliberation about the whole Michael Phelps situation. I think to be honest with you, that we should just drop the situation. Yes, it was wrong of him to sign something saying he won't do drugs, and than doing them. He did choose to do that. Therefore thank goodness, he lived up to the mistake. He came right out when the pictures were everywhere. He made a big mistake. And he did lose Kellogg's endorsement, but everyone makes mistakes, and in making mistakes we all have to live up to them. Michael Phelps is a good guy, who made a mistake. I don't believe it is ok for athletes to "let loose", but they are humans to. If everytime we saw someone doing drugs and we don't react the same way as we are reacting now to Michael Phelps, what is the difference? Yes, he is in the public eye. Yes he is a role model to little kids out there who want to succeed. But forgive and forget. I'm not saying that I agree with what he did, just the only logical thing right now is to forgive and forget.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best.-Tim Duncan.
When I was in eighth grade, my basketball team went to state. Unfortunately we lost in the championship game by 1 point. Which to me was horrible because if we had lost by 10-20 points we could have seen it coming. But losing by 1 measley point was kind of like a slap in the face. Everyone tried their best. Now, basketball is very important to me. I don't play much of it anymore, because for one I was never really good, but I do watch a lot of basketball both on tv, and at PND. I love to watch Duke University on tv. I don't really know when I started watching Duke basketball. I like them because the way they play, the teamwork they possess, and their overall "Greatness"!
To me the quote above by Tim Duncan is how I live my daily life. To me Good, better, best, Never let it rest. Until your good is better and your better is best, really doesn't have anything to do with sports, it has to do with your everyday life. Always strive for greatness, but once you get to greatness, continue to get better and better.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Housing Crisis:
I don't really understand what the housing crisis really is. So I decided to do a little bit of research to back up my arguments. In an article I read, it said there is so many opportunities for people who have money. But than I thought, what about all the people who have gotten their homes repossed or foreclosed on? To me when people who are "big wigs" of a company get hundreds of thousand dollars in bonuses and there is still people getting their homes taken away from them. On a day- to- day basis, I think we don't fully get the idea of not having a place to sleep, eat, and hang out with friends. Those who have ever gone through the experience of losing their homes, I want to say it will all be ok, through hardwork, determination, and faith you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Team Work is the ability to work together towards a common goal... With that
Nothing is impossible.
Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the game that we don't think about the team. Everyone after a game is excited about their own accomplishments. But has anyone thought about the teams success? I have heard the saying "there is no I in team" about a million times, but how many people actually follow it? I know sometimes in the heat of the game, you don't think about what the team has done. You mostly think about what "you" have done. How many points, steals, assists did I have this game. Or "man, I could have made just one more free throw." In society, people only think about 1st place. Once second best, always second best. Maybe next time, you won't think about doing well, because sports win or lose are supposed to be fun. There is no such thing as once second best, always second best. We can do anything we set our minds to.
Nothing is impossible.
Sometimes, we get so wrapped up in the game that we don't think about the team. Everyone after a game is excited about their own accomplishments. But has anyone thought about the teams success? I have heard the saying "there is no I in team" about a million times, but how many people actually follow it? I know sometimes in the heat of the game, you don't think about what the team has done. You mostly think about what "you" have done. How many points, steals, assists did I have this game. Or "man, I could have made just one more free throw." In society, people only think about 1st place. Once second best, always second best. Maybe next time, you won't think about doing well, because sports win or lose are supposed to be fun. There is no such thing as once second best, always second best. We can do anything we set our minds to.
Inauguration of Barack Obama:
At the beginning of this presidential election, I didn't really know much about it. The last time we had an election was when I was 11 or 12. I don't remember much about it. Therefore coming into this election I didn't think I cared that much. But when my brother began watching all the news coverage about Obama vs. McCain I began to watch it with him. Obama may not be everyones choice in Presidents, but he was chosen for the presidency because of something good he did. He must have been looked upon for a significant role he played. This past week, history was made. Our nations first African American president was sworn into office.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Red Carpet Best dressed vs Worst dressed at Golden Globes
Last night I watched the 2008 Golden Globe awards. I am interested more in the style, glamour, and poise aspects of the celebrities on the red carpet instead of the celebrities actually physically receiving the awards. My favorite look on the red carpet at any award ceremony is the sophisticated glamour almost like Hollywood glamour.
Anne Hathaway looked stunning in her Armani Prive gown, the color suits her fair skin. Last night she showed off her great healthy figure.
Hayden Panettiere looked amazing in her dark purple Gianfranco Ferre gown. With her small petite frame to some the gown may overpower her small frame, but the intricate beading and cinched in waist looks phenomenal on her.
Finally, my favorite of the entire night would totally 100% have to be Olivia Wilde. Her strapless Reem Acra gown made her physique flawless. The way the gown falls on her waist makes the dress look beautiful on her.
Now, worst dressed is my all time favorite thing to look for during any kind of awards ceremony. My favorite line is "what in the world was she thinking", or "did she get dressed in the dark for this one!" America Ferrera looked as if she tried to hard. She attempted a cute neckline, but blew it when it came to the bottom half of the dress.
Cameron Diaz looked like she "got dressed in the dark," she looked like she had an upset stomach and spilled her pepto on her gown. Her hair looked like an afterthought. Maybe if she would have put in up with a soft side swept bang, she could have not had such a bad review.
Finally, my favorite worst dressed of the night was Drew Barrymore. Not because the dress was awful because to me the dress looked beautiful on her. The neckline was so old hollywood glamour. But to me she took it a little to far with her hairstyle. Her hair was way to poofy and a little bit to old hollywood glamour. She could have just had soft curls that caressed her face to make it not so overdone.
With the best and worst dressed of the 2009 Golden Globes award ceremony out of the way hopefully the next awards the worst dressed can redeem themselves.
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